69  Narrative Gap Filling

Creative Writing
Logical Reasoning
Context Understanding

69.1 Description:

This task involves filling in missing information or events in a narrative to create a coherent story. It evaluates the model’s ability to understand context, make logical inferences, and create plausible scenarios that connect given plot points.

69.2 Modality:

Text only

69.3 Examples:

69.3.1 Example 1:


Fill in the narrative gap:
Beginning: Sarah enters a coffee shop, ordering her usual latte.
Ending: Sarah leaves the coffee shop, clutching a business card and smiling excitedly.


Possible narrative gap fill:
While waiting for her latte, Sarah overhears a conversation at the next table about a job opening in her field of interest. Intrigued, she politely introduces herself to the speakers. They have a brief but engaging conversation about the position, and one of them, impressed by Sarah's enthusiasm and knowledge, hands her a business card, encouraging her to apply for the job.

69.3.2 Example 2:


Fill in the narrative gap:
Beginning: John boards a flight to Paris, looking forward to his vacation.
Ending: John finds himself in a small village in rural Spain, unable to speak the local language.


Possible narrative gap fill:
During the flight, severe weather forces an emergency landing in Madrid. With all flights grounded indefinitely, John decides to make the best of the situation and explore Spain instead. He rents a car, intending to drive to Barcelona, but gets lost due to misreading road signs. His phone dies, leaving him without GPS or translation apps. After hours of driving, he finds himself in a remote Spanish village, realizing he's far off course and unable to communicate with the locals.

69.4 Tags:

  • Creative Writing
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Storytelling
  • Context Understanding
  • Inference
  • Synthetic