95  Understanding Time Zones and Global Time Differences

Time Zone Conversion
Global Time
International Date Line
Travel Time Calculation
Temporal Reasoning

95.1 Description:

This task involves calculating time differences across various time zones and understanding how global time works. It evaluates the model’s ability to work with time zone conversions and international date line concepts.

95.2 Modality:

Text only

95.3 Examples:

95.3.1 Example 1:


If it's 3:00 PM on Tuesday in New York, what time and day is it in Tokyo?


When it's 3:00 PM on Tuesday in New York, it's 4:00 AM on Wednesday in Tokyo. Tokyo is 13 hours ahead of New York, and the time difference crosses midnight, so the day changes as well.

95.3.2 Example 2:


A flight departs from Los Angeles at 11:00 PM on Monday and arrives in Sydney 15 hours later. What day and time does it arrive in Sydney?


The flight arrives in Sydney at 5:00 PM on Wednesday. Here's the calculation:
1. Los Angeles to Sydney is approximately a 19-hour time difference (Sydney is ahead).
2. 15 hours of flight time + 19 hours of time zone difference = 34 hours.
3. 34 hours from Monday 11:00 PM brings us to Wednesday 5:00 PM.
Note: This calculation doesn't account for potential seasonal time changes or the exact flight path.

95.4 Tags:

  • Time Zone Conversion
  • Global Time
  • International Date Line
  • Travel Time Calculation
  • Temporal Reasoning