21.1 Description:

This task involves interpreting and clarifying instructions that are unclear, incomplete, or potentially contradictory. It evaluates the model’s ability to identify ambiguities, ask relevant questions for clarification, and propose reasonable interpretations or solutions.

21.2 Modality:

Text only

21.3 Examples:

21.3.1 Example 1:


Decipher the following ambiguous instruction:
"Add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Bake for 30 minutes."


This instruction is ambiguous because it's unclear whether the stirring and baking are related or separate steps. Here are the ambiguities and potential clarifications:

1. Is the sugar being stirred into a liquid or dry ingredients?
2. Should the mixture be stirred continuously for 30 minutes while baking, or is the stirring completed before baking begins?
3. What temperature should it be baked at?
4. What is being baked? The instruction doesn't specify the item being prepared.

A clearer version might be:
"Add the sugar to the liquid mixture and stir until dissolved. Pour the mixture into a baking dish. Bake at 350°F (175°C) for 30 minutes."

21.3.2 Example 2:


Decipher the following ambiguous instruction:
"Turn right at the light and park near the bank."


This instruction contains several ambiguities:

1. "The light" could refer to a traffic light, a street light, or any other light source.
2. It's unclear how far to drive after turning right before looking for parking.
3. "The bank" could refer to a financial institution or the bank of a river or lake.
4. "Near" is subjective and doesn't specify how close to park.

To clarify, one might ask:
1. Is "the light" referring to a specific traffic light?
2. How far should I drive after turning right?
3. Is "the bank" a financial institution or a geographical feature?
4. How close should I park to the bank?

A clearer version might be:
"Turn right at the next traffic light. Drive for about 200 meters and look for parking spaces on your right, close to the XYZ Financial Bank building."

21.4 Tags:

  • Language Interpretation
  • Critical Thinking
  • Clarification
  • Problem Solving
  • Instruction Analysis
  • Synthetic